Monday, January 11, 2010

HioxIndia and its Web Hosting Service

Looking for a place to Host your Web site? The search could take hours; there are that many Web hosting sites competing for business. Here’s the deal: not all of them offer the same features, terms of use and user friendly. Finding the great hosting sites can be incredibly difficult, when so many bad ones are turning up in search results.

As the Internet stretches across our planet we find ourselves struggling to keep up with the seemingly daily advancements geared toward host and user alike. Internet users are constantly flooded with false advertising, scams and fictitious articles, essentially, everything that magazines, newspapers and other publications couldn’t get away with.

Web hosting is fast becoming a commercial, and apart from tiny differences in features, most web hosts are pretty similar. Reviewing web hosts is hard. There is little to differentiate one from another. With the commercial nature of the business, small differences in service can lead to large differences noticed by observers. Not all web hosting review sites are reliable, as anyone who has tried to find truthful reviews of web hosts has discovered. HioxIndia, however, is determined to be different. If you're looking for a web host, and not sure where to turn, this is it.

HioxIndia provides a wide range of services, allowing users to determine what they need and pay only for that. They have over 3,000 websites hosted with them. They offer several plans with different price ranges, starting from basic packages to reseller packages to dedicated packages, their present set of options is quite varied.

The hosting packages at HioxInida is not about the variety but if you like simplicity and ease in setting up your account, HioxIndia is for you.

Register your .com domains for just 400RS / 8.65$ / Year
Quality Linux webhosting at cheap rates. Webspace rates start at just 200RS / 4.32$ /year.
Cheap, affordable Windows Webhosting. Webspace rates start at just 400RS / 8.28$ /year.
JSP hosting rates starts at just 1250RS / 25.87$ /year.
Linux Reseller server space starts at just 1400RS / 30.26$ /year.
Windows Reseller starts with 200mb plans for 2500RS / 54.04$ /year.
Dedicated JVM webspace starts at just 1000RS / 21.62$ /month.
Ruby on rails - offers efficient solutions, starts at 2100RS / 45.4$ /year
Linux VPS - To host unlimited domains in a completely isolated secure environment with or without administration cpanel starts at 2600RS / 56.2$ /month or 1350RS / 29.18$ /month.